Connect Wallet
Note: We are in the Alpha Testnet stage (Chain ID: nubit-alphatestnet-1), so the API may undergo incompatible changes in the future. If you encounter any issues, please join our Discord to get in touch with the Nubit Team.
To ensure the best experience, we recommend using Chrome to connect your wallet and participate in the campaign, as other browsers may have compatibility issues.
Visit the campaign website ( and connect your wallet. You can choose either the Keplr or Tomo wallet—both are fully supported for all tasks. We strongly recommend using the same wallet and address throughout all three phases of the campaign to ensure that all your points accumulate in the same Nubit address. Please note that points cannot be transferred between different wallet addresses.
Connect Keplr Wallet
Nubit Alpha Testnet has been integrated with the Keplr wallet! To better manage your Nubit address, you can connect your Keplr wallet by following these steps.
Visit, search for "Nubit Alpha Testnet" and add it to your Keplr wallet.
Open the Keplr wallet extension, click the user avatar in the top right corner, and select "Add Wallet" on the Select Wallet page.
On the new page, choose "Create a new wallet". If you want to import an existing wallet from nubit-node, please refer to Manage Keys.
Then follow the steps to sign in and set a custom name for your wallet. In the third step, select the chain for your wallet. Search for "Nubit Alpha Testnet" and check the box to confirm.
You will now see your Nubit address in the Keplr wallet. To get testnet NUB from our faucet, please refer to Get NUB.
Connect Tomo Wallet
Nubit Alpha Testnet has been integrated with the Tomo wallet! To better manage your Nubit address, you can connect your Tomo wallet by following these steps.
Search for "Tomo Wallet" in the Chrome Web Store here and add it as a Chrome extension.
Once installed, sign in using Google or create a new wallet through other available methods. You can personalize your wallet name and set a secure password.
After setting up your wallet, your Nubit address will be automatically generated. You can use this address to send and receive NUB, check transactions through the extension, and explore more opportunities in the Nubit Alpha Testnet Campaign.
Last updated